
“Baaham” is an Urdu word, referring to two linked things that influence one another. This interconnectedness reflects how we as humans shape our environments and they in turn shape us.

Baaham design focuses on making spaces that are functional, meaningful, and responsive to the needs of the people who use them.

The Baaham philosophy takes into account psychology, sociology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, and behavioral economics, among other disciplines. It emphasizes personal reflection, problem-solving, biological principles, emotional responses, and local resources in creating spaces that improve our health, happiness, and overall lives. Baaham encourages people to examine their needs and the needs of their communities, to solve real problems and to design for change.

Baaham consists of core tenets that can guide anyone in creating a physical space that is functional, beautiful, and life-changing. These principles include:

Baaham is a comprehensive design philosophy that aims to transform our built environment by putting people at the center. It is a framework that can be used by anyone, regardless of their background or budget, to create spaces that are both meaningful and functional.

The Baaham design philosophy was created by architect and designer Danish Kurani.